City Greens Community Garden Receives Tools, Grant
From Fiskars Project Orange Thumb
Thank you so much to Fiskars for selecting Midtown’s City Greens
Community Garden for a Project Orange Thumb Garden grant!
In Summer 2019, the gardening tool and craft supply company donated
$1,500 worth of supplies to the Garden, including pruning shears,
hoes, rakes, posthole diggers, garden hoses, and kneepads. On top of
that, they provided Midtown with a $1,000 gift card to purchase
much-needed yard equipment.
“It’s because of generous companies like Fiskars that we’re able to
keep the Garden running and feed hundreds of our neighbors in need
here in St. Louis,” said Quincy Jones, coordinator for the Garden.
“Fiskars has went above and beyond to get us the tools we need to
expand our Garden, and we couldn’t be more thankful.”
With help from local volunteers, City Greens Community Garden harvests fruits and vegetables which are sold at or below cost at City Greens Market, a nonprofit co-op in an urban food desert. In addition, Midtown supplements food boxes with free, fresh produce for the disabled and elderly and provides healthy eating and gardening classes for children in our Youth Development program.