Upcoming Events

Tony McDonald Memorial Trivia Night
Save the date for the Tony McDonald Memorial Trivia Night on March 15 at The Heights in Richmond Heights.
The evening includes 8 rounds of trivia, music bingo, games, and a silent auction. Enjoy free beer, soda, and snacks with your ticket. Entry is $225 for a table of 8 or $30 per person. Proceeds will benefit Midtown’s Family PRIDE, Youth Development, and senior programs.
Registration for Trivia opens January 11, 2025.

Midtown's Black History Program
Be sure to save the date for Midtown's annual Black History Program on February 28 from 4-5:30 p.m.!
Everyone is invited to join Midtown as we celebrate Black History Month with a special presentation by the Better Family Life Kuumba Youth Performance Ensemble (K.Y.P.E.).
For more information, contact Midtown at 314.534.1180.