City Greens Community Garden
About City Greens Community Garden
Since 2007, volunteers from Midtown's City Greens Community Garden have put fruits and vegetables on the plates of those in need by stocking the shelves of City Greens, a nonprofit co-op market that offers all food at or below cost, and the disabled and elderly by supplementing shelf-stable food boxes with free, fresh produce. Just as important, they're helping give local residents the chance to grow their own food in an urban food desert.
The Garden began as a few small plots on a blighted lot. Today, it's expanded to a 1/4-acre urban farm that serves hundreds of residents in The Grove neighborhood. In addition, volunteers often offer healthy cooking and gardening workshops through Midtown. For St. Louis, this program is critical as 1 in 6 residents struggles with hunger.
βTo volunteer or to secure your own plot, contact Quincy or Dylan at 314-534-1180.