Family PRIDE Programming


Home Visits

Parent Educators visit with parents twice a month to address their needs, obstacles and goals. Service plans are developed to focus on any challenges and build on parents’ strengths.


Proud Start Parenting Association

PSPA focuses on child development. These playgroup sessions with parent educators and peer groups help young children develop social skills and gain independence.


Proud Start Workshops

Bi-monthly workshops are focused on creating a supportive space where parents can learn about prenatal care, health issues, post-partum depression, nutrition and a range of other topics.


Family PRIDE

Parents receive “Family PRIDE bucks” for home visits, workshops and playgroups that they attend.

Family PRIDE bucks can be redeemed for diapers, wipes formulas and other baby essentials.


Friends Around the Neighborhood

Bi-monthly playgroups led by child experts contribute to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of our infants.

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Partnership with the
St. Louis Area Diaper Bank

Thanks to the generosity of the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank, our Family PRIDE program is able to provide even more diapers to expectant and new mothers.


Family PRIDE Goals


Help reduce the risk factors that lead to prematurity, low birth weight and preventable health problems


Connect expectant parents to resources before and after birth

Provide women with access to health information


Support parents from the time they discover they’re pregnant to the moment they drop their child off for their first day of kindergarten

Empower women to take control of their health and advocate for themselves in medical settings